Comprehensive DUI/DWI defense: protect your rights and your future

    Message Our Team

    Facing DUI/DWI charges

    can be overwhelming, but with the right legal defense, you can fightback. Our team specializes in comprehensive DUI/DWI defense, providing you with thesupport and expertise needed to navigate this challenging time.

    We begin with a detailed analysis of your charges and case circumstances, ensuring everydetail is carefully examined.

    • Were you stopped legally?
    • Were proper procedures followed during sobriety or breathalyzer tests?

    Our attorneys will thoroughly review the legality of the stop and testing procedures, uncovering any violations of your rights.

    If the results of alcohol or drug tests seem questionable, don’t worry.

    We have extensive experience in challenging test results, using proven strategies to dispute inaccuracies or mishandling of evidence.

    When it’s time to appear in court, our team will be by your side.

    From building a robust defensestrategy to representing you in court, we’re committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

    Don’t leave your future to chance

    Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help youtake the first step toward protecting your rights and your driving privileges.

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    Call now or schedule your free consultation

    855 384 3841

      Case Documents

      If you have any documents, pictures, or other files that can assist us with your consultation or query, please send it through. All documents are treated as confidential.

      512 E. Wilson Ave #301, Glendale, California