Services Offered:

Comprehensive DUI/DWI Defense and DMV
- Analysis of charges and case details. Review of the legality of the stop and alcohol testing procedures (breathalyzer, blood test)
- Challenging the results of alcohol or drug tests
- Preparation and representation in court

Legal Assistance for Underage Drivers (Underage DUI)
- Defense for minors charged with DUI
- Handling charges under “Zero Tolerance Laws”

Expungement of DUI/DWI convictions
- Evaluation of eligibility for expungement under state laws
- Preparation and filing of expungement petitions
- Advising on timelines and requirements for filing
- Full support throughout the process, including court representation

Mitigation of penalties and sentence reduction
- Negotiating with prosecutors to reduce fines or dismiss charges
- Securing plea bargains to lessen the impact of charges
- Advocating for probation or rehabilitation programs as alternatives to jail time

Defense against repeat DUI charges
- Representation for clients with prior DUI offenses
- Strategies to minimize enhanced penalties

Defense for aggravating circumstances
- Charges involving high BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) levels
- DUI cases involving accidents or injuries
- DUI charges related to drug influence

Representation for Commercial Drivers (Commercial DUI)
- Legal defense and consultation for CDL drivers facing DUI charges
- Assistance with retaining commercial driving privileges

Consultation on alternative sentencing options
- Referrals to alcohol education and rehabilitation programs
- Guidance on mandatory DUI prevention classes
- Assistance with ignition interlock device (IID) installation

Support throughout the legal process
- Preparation for administrative hearings and court appearances
- Representation at all levels of the judicial process

Free сonsultation and сase evaluation
- Review of your situation without judgment
- Clear explanation of potential outcomes and defense options
- Immediate recommendations for next steps after arrest